Clown Hat
Colour A
Cast on 28sts on size 4 mm needles, using double knit wool
Start with a P row SS 4 rows
Colour B
Start with a K row SS 2 rows
K4, K2tog, K7, K2tog, K7, K2tog, K4
SS 2 rows
P3, P2tog, P6, P2tog, P6, P2tog, P4
SS 2 rows
K3, K2tog, K5, K2tog, K5, K2tog, K3
SS 2 rows
P2, P2tog, P4, P2tog, P4, P2tog, P3
SS 2 rows
K2, K2tog, K3, K2tog, K3, K2tog, K2
P2tog across row
B&T tightly
Making Up:
Sew on 3 x 8mm pom-poms as illustrated
Sew up the row ends
These hats are specially for Jean – who is a bit of a clown herself!!