Smoothiesaurus Hat

Using 4 mm needles, cast on 40st for base in double knit wool
Knit 2 rows
Beginning with a knit row work in stocking stitch throughout.
Cast off 3 st beg of next 4 rows (28st)
Dec 1st beg of next 8 rows (20st)
Cast off 6st, Knit 8, Cast off 6st
Rejoin and work 6 rows in SS on the centre 8st, beginning with a P row.
Next row: P3, inc, inc, P3 (10st)
Next row: K3, (inc x 4), K3 (14st)
Next row: P3, (inc, P1)x4, P3 (18st)
SS 3 rows
Next row: P2tog, P14, P2tog
Cast off

Cast on 25
Row 1: Knit
Row 2: K1 (yrn, K2 tog)rpt to end
Row 3: Knit
Cast Off

Making Up:
Body:  With right sides in, join row ends to create tail and head, join cast off sections to create back. 
Turn right side out and oversew the base of the tail, leaving a space that will fit over the bottle top.
Place a small bit of stuffing in the head to give a bit of shape. 
Face: Tie a good knot in the end of some black wool, insert the needle inside the Smoothiesaurus and up through the stuffing to emerge in an eye position.  Work a French knot to create the eye.  Take the wool through the stuffing and work the other eye in the same way.  Bring the wool out on one side of the face, take under the chin and back into the cheek to create a smile.  Secure the end.
Spines: Fold the spines in half with the stocking stitch on the outside. 
Oversew the cast on and cast off edges. 
Lay the spines in place on the body and sew in place.