Crochet Tri Colour Hat  ~ Designed by Micci M

3mm hook & DK Yarn
Micci Used the Magic Ring method. Or you chain 6 join with slipstitch & dc 6 into ring..

Shade A … 1 dc this doesn’t count as a stitch. Place a stitch marker here (easier to find start of each round & remember to place it on every sl st )
ROUND 2.. 1 ch ( this is not counted as a stitch its to give height)2dc in each stitch ..12 sts
ROUND 3..1 ch,* 1 dc, 2 dc in nxt stitch* repeat to end of round …18 sts, join with sl st 
ROUND 4… ch 1 ,* 2dc 2dc in nxt stitch* Repeat* 24 stitches join with sl st
ROUND 5 Change to B chain 1, dc next 24 stitches. JOIN with a sl st.
ROUND 6.. Change to A ch 1, dc 24 stitches. JOIN with a sl St.
ROUND 7.. Change to C….chain 1, dc 24 stitches. JOIN with a sl st.
ROUND 8.. CHANGE to B …1 ch , dc join round with sl st 
ROUND 9… CHANGE to C… 1 ch, dc to end of round. JOIN with a sl st.
ROUND 10…Change to A… Ch 1, dc to end of round. JOIN with a sl st.
ROUND 11 (Shell Edging)… Using C ch 2, 2 treble crotchet in same stitch * sl st next 2 stitches then treble 3 in next stitch* Repeat from * to * fasten off. 

Making Up:
Weave in ends and add a top knot by ch 30 using C fold 1 end to centre of chain … fold other end to centre sew in place .. leave a long tail to attach to top of hat.  Micci pulled it through centre hole on top of hat and sewed in place on wrong side of the hat.