Alphabet Hats
Using 4mm needles cast on 28 stitches with double knit wool
Purl 2 rows
Knit 1 row
Continue in SS and work the 9 row letter block.
The letters vary in width and are outlined with red, blue or green on the pattern below:
🔴 ABCDGHKMNOQRUVWXY are all 9 stitches wide.
🔵 EFJLPSTZ are all 7 stitches wide.
🟢 I is 5 stitches wide.
For letters that are:
9st wide, work 10st and then start on the block.
7st wide, work 11st and then start on the block.
5st wide, work 12st and then start on the block.
SS 4 further rows
(K2 tog) repeat to end
(P2 tog) repeat to end
B & T tightly
Making Up:
Join the row ends together and add a pom-pom to match the colour of the letter.
How to make a pom-pom.
Work 10 then the block
Work 11 then the block
Work 12 then the block